
1971Aug. KINUGAWA Co., Ltd. is established.
1972May Head Office relocation.
(3-26-1, Junkeimachi Dori, Chuo -ku Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan)
1973Aug. Establishment of distribution center.
1976Aug. Opening of Kyoto branch office.
1978Aug. KINUGAWA KOBE Co., Ltd. is established.
1980Aug. Head Office relocation.
(1-15-19, Shimanouchi, Chuo -ku Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan)
1981Sep. Opening of Takamatsu branch office.
1982Jan. PACK Co., Ltd. is established.
1985Nov. Head Office building is completed and relocated.
(2-3-20, Nishikagaya, Suminoe-ku Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan)
1987Jun. KINUGAWA FUKUOKA Co., Ltd. is established.
1988Oct. Opening of Itabashi branch office. (PACK Co., Ltd.)
1989Feb. KINUGAWA Nagoya Co., Ltd. is established.
Mar. Promoted to KINUGAWA KYOTO Co., Ltd. from Kyoto branch office.
Promoted to KINUGAWA TAKAMATSU Co., Ltd. from Takamatsu branch office.
1990Jun. Opening of Okayama branch office. (KINUGAWA KOBE Co., Ltd.)
1991Jul. Opening of Hiroshima branch office. (KINUGAWA KOBE Co., Ltd.)
Sep. Introduction of the division system.
Divided into four business divisions.
1994Feb. Opening of Itabashi branch office. (PACK Co., Ltd.)
1997Sep. Form a business partnership with MBA Design & Display Products Corp. (Germany)
(Domestic distribution rights acquisition of system panel and pressure sensitive adhesive sheet materials.)
Oct. Opening of MBA Division. (KINUGAWA Co., Ltd.)
2000Mar. Form a business partnership with SODEM SYSTEM Inc. (France)
(Domestic distribution rights acquisition of the aluminum system panel.)
2001Apr. Form a business partnership with MYO-COLAND Co., Ltd. (Korea)
OEM production start of inkjet media.
Sep. Form a business partnership with KEUNDO TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd. (Korea)
OEM production start of marking film.
2002Apr. MBA JAPAN Co., Ltd. is established.
2003Jan. Form a business partnership with PHIL-CHEM Co., Ltd. (Korea)
OEM production start of inkjet media.
2004Jan. Opening of Itabashi branch office. (PACK Co., Ltd.)
2005Nov. Opening of Kinugawa Design center. (Kyoto)
2007Apr. Extension of the head office. (New building completed)
2009Apr. Opening of KEA Division. (KINUGAWA Co., Ltd.)
2013Jan. Opening of Kagoshima branch office. (KINUGAWA FUKUOKA Co., Ltd.)
2016Feb. Opening of Kanazawa branch office. (KINUGAWA KANAZAWA Co., Ltd.)
2016Jul Opening of Oita branch office. (KINUGAWA OITA Co., Ltd.)
2017Mar Moving of Koto branch office. (PACK Co., Ltd.)
2017Apr The organization chart of KINUGAWA Co., Ltd. is altered.
2017Apr Mr. Shoichi Kinugawa took office as the new president.